• Improve quality and consistency of programming
  • Increase professionalism and credibility of family support
  • Strengthen organizations providing family support services
  • Provide a sense of security and confidence to funders and participants
  • Provide programs with a low cost alternative to credentialing

The credentialing process was designed for family support programs that are not currently credentialed through a national process and do not have access to an outside evaluation. Both in home family support programs and group based parent education programs are eligible to apply.


  • Parallel to family support work with families
  • Start where the program is at
  • IFSC is flexible to meet the unique needs of the diverse programs
  • Work in partnership – “don’t do for”
  • Provide clear expectations of regular program progress

Contact Lisa Hilsenbeck for more information.

Alternate Credential

The Iowa Family Support Standards

The Iowa Family Support Standards are based on the most up to date, evidence based practice in the family support field.

IFSC Awardees

This list includes information for currently credentialed programs.

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