Strengthening Families: Stacy’s Story

Stacy* grew up in a household that moved around, a lot. Her family, due to many circumstances, had lived in almost every state. As an adult, she craved a permanent home and the chance to put down roots. In moving away from her family to find better opportunities, she unfortunately found herself homeless and living in her car. 

Thanks to the resources available in Des Moines, she was able to move into a local homeless shelter for families. When she found out she was pregnant, the shelter connected her with LSI’s Healthy Families America program. This program provides support and parenting education to families from prenatal care up to age 5. HFA is a nationally recognized, evidence-based home visiting program. It is designed to work with families who may have histories of trauma, partner violence, mental health, and/or substance abuse issues to break the cycle and reduce adverse childhood experiences, including child maltreatment. 

Stacy’s stay at the shelter eventually came to an end. She had limited resources, a short amount of time to find a new affordable home, and limited English language proficiency. 

Stacy’s Family Support Specialist (FSS) from LSI made sure that she was able to make her prenatal appointments by finding a ride share or helping her navigate the public transportation system. She and her FSS reviewed different types of rent assistance, affordable housing options, and other financial assistance options so she would be successful living on her own. 

With housing secured, she is now able to focus on making her house a home for her little one and looking forward to enjoying time with her new baby. Stacy’s story is not over. She didn’t have good role models growing up, and she still has struggles ahead. But her Family Support Specialist will visit in her home each week as she learns parenting skills and ways to improve her life.

To learn more about services LSI provides for parents of young children, and to find out what is available in your area of the state, visit

*Stacy’s name has been changed for her anonymity. 

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