Dear friends of LSI,
As our generous donors, supporters, and partners, I am pleased to share our 2023 Impact Report, sharing significant advances from the past year.
In 2023, LSI’s Direct Service Providers (DSPs) provided more than 400,000 hours of direct care service to help individuals achieve greater independence, allowing them to stay in their homes and reducing the need for in-patient hospitalization or residential care.
LSI’s Immigrant and Refugee Community Services team welcomed 407 new arrivals from around the world and helped them resettle in Iowa. LSI also received approval from the federal government to expand refugee resettlement services to the Cedar Valley area in 2024, extending LSI’s ability to welcome new arrivals to Cedar Valley, Sioux City, and Des Moines.
LSI expanded our Trauma Informed Care Program to the South Iowa Area Service Detention Agency in Lee County. This program – which LSI now offers in 5 out of 9 detention centers in Iowa – provides individual and group therapy for Iowa youth to help them work through their trauma in a healthy and productive way.
The Early Childhood Services team in Sioux City achieved national accreditation from Healthy Families America, a rigorous program that encompasses 150 Best Practice Standards regarding client engagement and retention, innovation, and positive impact on clients. Statewide, Early Childhood home visitors conducted more than 11,000 home visits for parents of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.
LSI’s Foster Care and Adoption team trained and supported 475 kinship, foster, and adoptive families in 38 western Iowa counties in 2023.
On behalf of LSI, thank you for your continued support of our mission, bringing prosperity, opportunities, and hope to our communities. Together, we remain hopeful and committed to building a brighter future for all Iowans.
With eternal gratitude,
Renee Hardman
President and CEO

2023 Statewide Impact

pounds of food grown by former refugee farmers through the LSI Global Greens program

More than
home visits to 711 Iowa families to promote healthy development and prevent child abuse

service hours provided by Direct Service Providers to individuals with disabilities

virtual and in-person therapy sessions provided for Iowans of all ages

community behavioral health sessions for 222 BHIS clients
Just one testimonial…
Therapy Services
No person should feel alone or helpless when it comes to their mental health. Our therapists offer holistic, personalized care for thousands of Iowans who have unique needs and goals.
Just one testimonial…
Therapy Services
No person should feel alone or helpless when it comes to their mental health. Our therapists offer holistic, personalized care for thousands of Iowans who have unique needs and goals.
Advocating for yourself is a tough skill to learn. Sometimes, we need someone to advocate for us before we can do so for ourselves. This is the case for Ashley* and her LSI therapist, JoAnn Weitz.
Two months after Ashley began her sessions, it was discovered that Ashley’s treatment was not covered by insurance. She felt devastated as she had formed a strong and safe connection with her therapist, JoAnn, and was making progress in her treatment.
JoAnn knew her client had three children with varying special needs and that she carried significant trauma from her past. Ashley needed this treatment to better care for herself and her family, so she worked to find a way Ashley could stay in treatment despite her lack of insurance coverage.
Thankfully, a grant from the American Legion of Iowa Foundation awarded to LSI allowed JoAnn to continue treating her client.
“When JoAnn told me that grant money was going to be used to pay for my treatment, I tried to decline, saying “No, thank you. I’m sure somebody else needs it more than I do,” to which Ms. Weitz replied, ‘And THAT is exactly why you need this.’ She knew my feelings of unworthiness, amongst other negative feelings, were a result of layers upon layers of trauma,” shared Ashley.
The pair made significant progress, working to heal Ashley’s trauma through various techniques, especially Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR is a technique that helps process traumatic memories by stimulating both sides of the brain. JoAnn helped Ashley create a timeline of her trauma, and the pair worked through each memory, using EMDR techniques to rewrite memories with a positive spin.
When JoAnn and Ashley were nearly through the trauma timeline, funding from the grant ran out. JoAnn knew her client was close to completing her treatment, so she went to her director, asking for more funding so that her client could continue. Her director found enough funding to allow Ashley to finish her sessions. JoAnn advocated for her client, who initially felt unworthiness, anger, and negativity. After treatment, Ashley feels grateful and hopeful for the future.
“Today, my cup is not only full, it runs over. I have Ms. Weitz and LSI’s generosity to thank for that,” shared Ashley.
*Names have been changed to protect the client’s privacy.
Connect with our mission.
Garden of Paradise
LSI Global Greens
LSI Global Greens Urban Gardens program provides immigrant and refugee gardeners a place to grow food for their families in 20+ gardens across the Des Moines metro.
Garden of Paradise
LSI Global Greens
LSI Global Greens Urban Gardens program provides immigrant and refugee gardeners a place to grow food for their families in 20+ gardens across the Des Moines metro.
When the people of Resurrection Lutheran Church in Ankeny partnered with LSI to build an urban garden on their church property, they needed a great name, and the Garden of Eatin’ was established.
As part of LSI’s Global Greens program, Urban Gardens partners with the City of Des Moines, volunteers, and private landowners to build small garden plots for former refugee families in the area. In 2023, LSI planted 20 gardens in the Des Moines metro area, totaling 141,330 square feet, or 3.2 acres, of gardens.
In 2022, LSI voiced the need for garden space in the metro area. Members of Resurrection Lutheran Church heard the call and spoke with their pastor, Beth Wartick, who was eager to help. LSI staff, volunteers, and church members set to work building the garden on the church property.
“It’s amazing how quickly it all came together. Only a few weeks passed between that initial call to LSI to serve as an Urban Garden location to opening in early June,” said Rev. Wartick. “When people come together with a united purpose, miracles can happen.”
During an outdoor service on Pentecost, LSI and the church blessed and officially opened the garden, calling it the “Garden of Eatin’,” a humorous play on the biblical Garden of Eden. LSI staff, church members, and excited gardeners gathered to celebrate the garden’s opening.
Today, the garden is thriving, with refugee gardeners from the community tending to their crops primarily during the evening. Many crops are from the gardeners’ home countries and are difficult to find at local grocery stores. Gardeners often bring their whole family, with the parents working the soil while children play soccer or tag nearby.
As church members watched the garden progress, they quickly noticed the variety of produce grown in the garden, including many unfamiliar vegetables. They asked Tika, an LSI staff member helping with the garden, what the veggies were and how to cook them properly.
In response, the church held a taste test event. Tika demonstrated how to cook the unfamiliar vegetables, and the congregation could taste new foods alongside the gardeners who grew them.
Motivated to learn more, church members invited Lynette Thornton, LSI’s Urban Garden Specialist, to attend their monthly community meal and educate the church about the gardens, growing practices, non-native vegetables, and more.
Today, there is a waitlist for gardeners hoping for a spot in the Garden of Eatin’, so the church is working to expand the garden from 19 spots to 42 in 2024.
“This is a congregation that values feeding people in partnership,” shared Rev. Wartick. “Something as simple as putting up fencing and providing water can make a huge difference.”
We can make a difference.
Struggle to Strength
Early Childhood HOPES Program
LSI’s Early Childhood Services home-visiting staff serve prenatal families through the age of 5, supporting families through child development, connections to community resources, and other aspects of parenting.
Struggle to Strength
Early Childhood HOPES Program
LSI’s Early Childhood Services home-visiting staff serve prenatal families through the age of 5, supporting families through child development, connections to community resources, and other aspects of parenting.
“If you were there four years ago, to see where I am today. . . you just wouldn’t believe it.”
Four years ago, Hali Harrell sat in an empty apartment with only a cellphone and her newborn son. Fresh out of treatment, Hali called the number the hospital gave her – the number of someone who could help. LSI’s Early Childhood Services answered the call.
“When I started the HOPES program, I was nervous. I was excited. I was hopeful but mostly nervous,” said Hali. Based on Healthy Families America’s (HFA) home-visiting model, LSI’s HOPES program pairs family support workers with parents to help raise healthy families.
Hali began working with Gretchen, an LSI family support worker. The pair met virtually as their connection began during the COVID-19 pandemic, but that didn’t stop them from instantly hitting it off.
“Gretchen and I immediately connected because she was really down to earth,” said Hali. “I came into this program, and I was really scared about being judged about my past and the things that brought me to this point. She made me feel like if my son was up all night crying, I could call her, and I knew she would answer.”
Gretchen brought activities and resources for Hali and her son, Apollo. Hali was eager to learn and ready to become the best mom for her son.
“She is so patient with Apollo, so kind all the time,” said Gretchen. “She wants that little boy to soak up everything like a sponge.”
A few years later, Apollo met his milestones, and Hali maintained her sobriety. In late 2022, Hali was invited to be a co-speaker at an event on justice-involved women and children in the home-visiting field.
“It’s important for me to share my story because a lot of the stories like mine are not really heard,” said Hali. “A lot of people who have a background like me don’t get the chance to tell their story. They don’t get a chance for a second chance.”
Gretchen and the team knew Hali had a gift and an important story to share. They nominated her for the Healthy Families America Parent Advisory Committee, a group of 10-12 parents from across the country who graduated from their local home-visiting program.
“To say that Hali has a knack for speaking and connecting with an audience is an understatement,” wrote the Early Childhood team in the nomination. “She puts her heart and soul into all that she does and leaves lasting impressions on those who are lucky enough to connect with her.”
In early 2024, Hali was selected to be on the HFA Parent Advisory Committee.
“I may not be the best parent, but I am an active parent,” said Hali. “I love to help others learn, especially if they’ve been in a position I have been in before. I’d love to tell them that this is possible, people do care, and there are places where you can get help.”
Though her time with Gretchen will end, as HOPES supports families with children up to 5 years old, Hali and Gretchen will forever hold a place in each other’s hearts.
“I am most proud of Hali for her sobriety, for the mother she has become, for the person she has become,” said Gretchen.
“She is accomplishing so many things, and it’s only the beginning for her.”
We’re in this together.
2023 Financial Summary
Total Revenue & Support
$31.5 million
Total Assets
$27 million
Total Net Assets
$25 million
Total Income
Contributed Support
LSI focuses on mission and stewardship.
For every dollar received, we spend 88 cents on services.
Qualified Charitable Distributions / Required Minimum Distributions
If you are age 70 ½ or older, you can give up to $105,000 tax free directly from your IRA to charities such as LSI.
An additional benefit of a Qualified Charitable Distribution is that it can satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution from a retirement account which generally needs to start being distributed from your account(s) starting at age 73. Click here for more information on RMDs and the penalties you may face for failure to take your required distribution.
(Note: Mailed checks must come directly from your IRA broker/custodian)
Did you know?
You can make a direct transfer of stock to LSI. Here’s how:
Have your broker make your transfer of stock to
Merrill Lynch DTC #5198, for further credit to LSI account #660-04023.
Merrill Lynch Contact Information:
David Blake (515) 245-8050 or (800) 937-0608
Merrill Lynch, 7545 Ashworth Rd, Ste 100, West Des Moines, IA 50266
Thank you to our generous donors
Rev. David and Joan Abram
Rev. Theodore and Dorothy* Ager
Elizabeth A. Ahrens
Rev. David and Ruth Assmus
Tena Aswegan
Ardell* and Jean Banker
Ruth Bartels
George* and Bette Berg
Daniel* and Dorothea Berke
Don Billhorn
Rev. Phil Borleske
William and Jeanie Botos
Edna Brunkhorst
Vern and Jean Byl
David and Fay Cline
George* and Georgiana Coontz
Lester and Linda Corporon
Ronald and Marjorie Crow
Albert* and Donna DeBower
Harvey and Mary Jane Derscheid
Ed* and Phyllis* Droste
Stephen and Jean Duffy
Leone Dunkelberg
Charles Dwyer
Ruth A. Ehrhardt
Kaye and John Englin
Gordon Epping
Kathy Folkerts
Dr. Mary Franken
Richard and Yvonne* Franks
Charles* and Joanne Frederiksen
Joan Frerichs
Rev. Susan and Norman Friedrich
Tom and Cindy Friedrichsen
Harry* and Margery* Hale
Willis Hansen
Harold Hanson
Michelle Hanson
Rev. George and Janet* Hanusa
Marvin* and Marlys* Haverkamp
Dr. Herbert* and Janet Heinicke
Larry and Cindy Helmers
Donald and Jo Anne Heltner
Dr. Leslie* and Iris Hemmingson
Gary and Phyllis Hill
Larry and Beverly Hoover
Lois LaVon Hostetler
Rev. Thomas and Sandy Hunt
David and Mary* Johnson
Pr. Doug and Stephanie Johnson
Mark Johnson & Brenda Steffens
William and Mary Johnson
Yvonne D. Johnson
John and Judy Johnston
Morris* G. Kalgaarden
Dorothy Keith
Gene and Carrole Knutson
Clifford* and Nancy Koop
Charlene Keim Korslund
Betty Kremer
Hanna Langholz
Jason and Jennifer Lee
Marilyn Lentz
Rev. Stan and Jan Lillich
Rev. William Loughmiller
Marlene S. Lundsgaard
Paul* Mardorf
Ann Marmesh
Joseph and Helen Melichar
Patricia S. Minchin
Mark and Denise Nelson
LeAllen and Janelle* Nevermann
Melvin Nielsen
Jack and Kris Ohle
Martha Olsen
Jons and Ann Olsson
Catherine Orth
Rev. Paul and Carol Ostrem
Phillip and LaVonne* Owen
Wilbur and Ruthe Pattison
Leonard* and Carmen Peter
Jean Peterson
Ernest* and Ann* Philippi
Richard* and Janice Risdale
Frances M. Rockey
Albert and Marilyn Runau
Jeanine (Gutmann) Rutter
Charles and Katherine Safris
Rev. Paul Schaedig
Kevin and Jill Scharper
David and Margery* Scheie
Russell* and Mary Schuchmann
Marvin and Helen Schumacher
Joseph* and Janet Segreti
Drs. Robert and Rebecca Shaw
Rev. Diana and Philip Sickles
Rev. David and Diane Solberg
Donna Taylor
Harry* and Lois Thompto
Betty Timmerman
James and Janet Tinker
Pastor Keith* and Virginia Tomlinson
Marcia Tuttle
Micheal J. and Colleen E. Vaughn
Josef and Troyce Vich
Alfred* and Marion Walck
Kevin Welu and Nancy Schneider
Mark and Sydney Wikner
James and Gracia Willis
Darren Winkowitsch
Wesley and Janet Wiskus
Ronda Young
3M Ames Plant, Ames
The Accel Group, Waverly
Accenture, Des Moines
Adolph H. and Rosetta J. Peterson Charity Foundation, Madrid
Alliant Energy Foundation, Andover, MA
Amazon Smile Foundation
American Legion of Iowa Foundation, Des Moines
Amerigroup Iowa, Inc., West Des Moines
Amvets Ladies Auxiliary Dept. of Iowa, Evansdale
Angel Blessings, Waterloo
Assured Partners, Waverly
Athene USA, West Des Moines
Availa Bank, Carroll
B & H General Store, Johnston
Back Country, Des Moines
Bank of America Foundation, Andover, MA
Benchmark Business Group LLC, Des Moines
Bertha Stebens Charitable Foundation, Mason City
Black Hawk Gaming Association, Waterloo
Blackhawk Automatic Sprinklers Inc., Cedar Falls
Bremwood Auxiliary, Waverly
Burke Family Foundation, Ames
Businessolver, West Des Moines
Care Connections of Northern Iowa, Spencer
Cedar Valley Strings, Waverly
Chapter M.A., P.E.O., Des Moines
Charities Aid Foundation of America, Andover, MA
Charles City Community Fund, Charles City
City Hall Employees Fund, Sioux City
Clay County Community Foundation, Spencer
Clayton’s Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Sac City
Community Choice Credit Union, Des Moines
Community Foundation of Cedar County, Bettendorf
Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines, Des Moines
Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa, Cedar Falls
Community State Bank, Spencer
Competitive Edge, Des Moines
Coon Valley Turkeys, LLC, Sac City
Count the Kicks, Clive
CrawDaddy Outdoors, LC, Waverly
Dairy Queen of Iowa, Denison
DART – Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority, Des Moines
David and Phyllis Murphy Charitable Foundation, Mason City
Decorah Friends Meeting, Decorah
Dee Zee, Inc., Des Moines
Des Moines Area Association of Realtors Foundation, West Des Moines
Design 360, Waverly
Dollar General Literacy Foundation, Goodlettsville, TN
Drake University, Des Moines
ELCA Foundation, Chicago
Electa Grand Chapter O E S P H A, Davenport
En-Tire Car Care, Ames
Essence, Waverly
Ewalu Camp and Retreat Center, Strawberry Point
Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping, Cedar Falls
Farrer Endowment Foundation, Mason City
Fiberworks Needlework Shop, Waverly
Fidelity Bank & Trust, Waverly
First Citizens National Bank Charitable Foundation, Mason City
First National Bank, Ames
Floyd County Community Foundation, Cedar Falls
Foster Group, West Des Moines
Foundation for the Enhancement of Mitchell County, Osage
Foundation for the Future of Delaware County, Manchester
Frederick’s Sips N Eats, Waverly
Get Roasted, Waverly
Gordon Flesch Charitable Foundation, Madison, WI
Grateful Fund
Greater Delaware County Community Foundation, Manchester
Greater Iowa Credit Union, Ames
Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation, Grinnell
Greater Twin Cities United Way, Minneapolis, MN
Grinnell College, Grinnell
Guernsey Charitable Foundation, Cedar Falls
Hawkeye Communication / Fandel Alarm, Hiawatha
Heistand Family Foundation, Woodbine
Helios Foundation, Sioux City
Home Instead Senior Care, Waterloo
Hugs with Stitches, Ackley
Hy-Vee, Inc., Waverly
Immanuel Vision Foundation, Omaha, NE
IMT Insurance, West Des Moines
The Iowa 80/CATScale Go Iowa Fund, Walcott
Iowa Women’s Foundation, Coralville
ISU Student Alumni Association
Johnson County Auditor, Iowa City
Junior Board of Rock Island, Rock Island, IL
Junior League of Waterloo, Waterloo
Mary K. and Daniel M. Kelly Family Foundation, Des Moines
Kiwanis Club of Ames, Ames
Kum & Go Food Stores, Des Moines
Leonard A. Good Trust, Ogden
Les Dames d’Escoffier International, Des Moines
Louisa County Board of Supervisors, Wapello
LSB Foundation, Waterloo
Mary Greeley Medical Center, Ames
Mary I. Gittens-Knouse Charitable Trust, Davenport
McCallsburg Lions Club, McCallsburg
McFarland Clinic PC, Ames
Meyer Pharmacy, Waverly
Micah Project, Sioux City
MidAmerican Energy, Sioux City
MidAmerican Energy Company, Des Moines
Missouri River Historical Development, Inc., Sioux City
Mixing Bowl, Waverly
MSP Tax and Accounting, Davenport
Muscatine Charities, Inc., Muscatine
Newy’s Moto, Waverly
Next Step Adventures, Des Moines
Northern Iowa Therapy, Inc., Waverly
Oligmueller Law Firm, P.C. L.L.O., South Sioux City, NE
Oster Regent Theatre, Cedar Falls
Otto Schoitz Foundation, Waterloo
Paha Cider, Waverly
Pauline Barrett Foundation, Waterloo
Paullina Monthly Meeting of Friends, Primghar
PEO Chapter HM, Des Moines
PEO Sisterhood Chapter OB, Ankeny
The Pink Daisy, Waverly
Pizza Ranch, Waverly
Prairie Links, Waverly
Prairie Meadows, Altoona
Raygun, Des Moines
Rector Llamas, Denver
Robert Half International Inc., Des Moines
ROC Training Center, Waterloo
Root, Waverly
Sammons Financial Group, West Des Moines
Seint Beauty, Waverly
Sheldon United Fund, Inc., Sheldon
Siouxland Community Foundation, Sioux City
Siouxland Community Health Center, Sioux City
Siouxland Federal Credit Union, South Sioux City, NE
Siouxland Human Investment Partnership Inc., Sioux City
Siouxland Sampler Quilt Guild, Sioux City
Slim Pickins Turkey Farm Inc., Sac City
Sporting Iowa, Des Moines
State of Iowa One Gift Donations, Des Moines
Sub City, Waverly
Sukup Family Foundation, Sheffield
T & H Auto Repair, Des Moines
Tama County Community Foundation, Cedar Falls
Tatroe Electric, Inc., Waverly
TEGNA Foundation, West Des Moines
Telligen Community Initaitive, West Des Moines
Thinkwell, Waverly
Thrivent Corporate Office, Minneapolis, MN
Thrivent Financial, Appleton, WI
First Citizens National Bank, Mason City
Tufts University, Boston, MA
UK Online Giving Foundation
United Way of Allegheny County/SW Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA
United Way of Central Indiana, Indianapolis, IN
United Way of Central Iowa, Des Moines
United Way of East Central Iowa, Cedar Rapids
United Way of Salt Lake, Salt Lake City, UT
United Way of Siouxland, Sioux City
United Way of Spencer, Spencer
United Way of Story County, Inc., Ames
United Way of the Midlands, Columbia, SC
Vaughn Foods LTD Fiesta Foods, Onawa
Veridian Credit Union, Waterloo
Veridian Credit Union-Community Foundation of NE IA, Cedar Falls
Virginia Gay Hospital, Vinton
Voya Financial Advisors, Inc., Des Moines
Wal-Mart, Ankeny
Wal-Mart Superstore #1005, Waverly
Wartburg College, Waverly
Waukee FFA & Waukee Schools, Waukee
Waverly Exchange Club, Waverly
Waverly Health Center, Waverly
Waverly Rotary Club, Waverly
Waverly-Shell Rock Area United Way, Waverly
Westside Fortnightly, Westside
The Wild Carrot, Waverly
Willis Automotive, Des Moines
American Lutheran Church Women, Grundy Center
Augustana Lutheran Church Women, Boone
Augustana Lutheran Church Women, Manson
Bergen Lutheran Church Women, Roland
Bethany Lutheran Church Women, Elkader
Bethany Lutheran Church Women, Iowa Falls
Bethany Lutheran Church Women, Joice
Bethany Lutheran Church Women, Kensett
Bethesda Lutheran Church Women, Ames
Bethesda Lutheran Church Women, Moorhead
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women, Cherokee
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women, Lost Nation
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women, Manly
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women, Slater
Big Canoe Lutheran Church Women, Decorah
Brayton Lutheran Church Women, Brayton
Burr Oak Lutheran Church Women, Decorah
Calmar Lutheran Church Women, Calmar
Canoe Ridge Lutheran Church Women, Decorah
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church Women, Ackley
Decorah Lutheran Church Women, Decorah
East Clermont Lutheran Church Women, Clermont
Ebenezer Lutheran Church Women, Audubon
Elgin Lutheran Church Women, Elgin
Elim Lutheran Church Women, Marshalltown
Elim Lutheran Church Women, Randall
Elk Creek Lutheran Church Women, Kensett
Emanuel St. John Lutheran Church Sunday School, Lytton
Emanuel St. John Lutheran Church Women, Lytton
Emmanuel Lutheran Church Women, Grafton
Estherville Lutheran Church Women, Estherville
Exira Lutheran Church Women, Exira
Faith Lutheran Church Women, Andover
Faith Lutheran Church Women, Marcus
Faith Lutheran Church Women, Odebolt
First Lutheran Church Women, Britt
First Lutheran Church Women, Clarion
First Lutheran Church Women, Cresco
First Lutheran Church Women, Fairfield
First Lutheran Church Women, Maquoketa
First Lutheran Church Women, Northwood
First Lutheran Church Women, Saint Ansgar
First Lutheran Church Women, Sioux City
First United Methodist Church Women, Newton
Glenwood Lutheran Church Women, Decorah
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Women, Iowa City
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Women, Decorah
Grace Lutheran Church Women, Primghar
Grace Lutheran Church Women, Tripoli
Hauge Lutheran Church Women, Decorah
Hesper Lutheran Church Women, Decorah
Highland Lutheran Church Women, Decorah
Holmes Lutheran Church Home Circle, Eagle Grove
Hope Lutheran Church Women, Elkader
Immanuel Lutheran Church Women, Akron
Immanuel Lutheran Church Women, Ogden
Kanawha Lutheran Church Women, Kanawha
Madison Lutheran Church Women, Ridgeway
Marion Lutheran Church Women, Saint Olaf
Northeastern Iowa Synod Endowment Fund, Waverly
Northeastern Iowa Synod-ELCA, Waverly
Northeastern Iowa Synodical Women’s Organization
Norway Lutheran Church Women, Saint Olaf
Old West Paint Creek Lutheran Church Women, Waukon
Orleans Lutheran Church Women, Ridgeway
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Women, Lansing
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Women, Osage
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Women, Rock Valley
Paullina Monthly Meeting of Friends, Primghar
Peace Lutheran Church Women, Ridgeway
Peace Lutheran Church Women, West Burlington
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Women, Evansdale
Redeemer Lutheran Church Women, Indianola
Rock Creek Lutheran Church Women, Osage
Saint John Lutheran Church Women, Council Bluffs
Salem Lutheran Church Women, Creston
Salem Lutheran Church Women, Dakota City, NE
Salem Lutheran Church Women, Lake Mills
SE Synod – Cluster 1, Huxley
Sisters of the Presentation, Dubuque
South Enes/New Hope Lutheran, Vincent
Southeastern Iowa Synod ELCA, Iowa City
Springfield Lutheran Church Women, Calmar
St. James Lutheran Church Women, Allison
St. James Lutheran Church Women, Bettendorf
St. James Lutheran Church Women, Mason City
St. John (Buck Creek) Lutheran Church Women, Sumner
St. John (Crane Creek) Lutheran Church Women, Tripoli
St. John (Vilmar) Lutheran Church Women, Greene
St. John American Lutheran Church Women, Cedar Falls
St. John Lutheran Church Women, Cushing
St. John Lutheran Church Women, Farmersburg
St. John Lutheran Church Women, Luana
St. John Lutheran Church Women, Nashua
St. John Lutheran Church Women, Osage
St. John Lutheran Church Women, Sumner
St. John Lutheran Church Dorcas Society, Waverly
St. John’s & St. Paul’s Women, Bellevue
St. John’s (Bennington) Lutheran Church Women, Waterloo
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Women, Preston
St. John’s Lutheran Church Women, Waukon
St. John’s Lutheran Church Women, Woden
St. John’s Lutheran Church Women (Locust), Decorah
St. Luke Lutheran Church Women, Nora Springs
St. Mark Lutheran Church Women, Sioux City
St. Paul Lutheran Church Women, Albia
St. Paul Lutheran Church Women, Hampton
St. Paul Lutheran Church Women, Holstein
St. Paul Lutheran Church Women, Marble Rock
St. Paul Lutheran Church Women, Mason City
St. Paul Lutheran Church Women, Maynard
St. Paul Lutheran Church Women, Postville
St. Paul Lutheran Church Women, State Center
St. Paul Lutheran Church Women, Tama
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Women, Atlantic
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Women, Rolfe
St. Peter (Richfield) Lutheran Church Women, Sumner
St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church Women, Denver
St. Peter Lutheran Church Women, Eldorado
St. Peter Lutheran Church Women, Greene
Stratford Lutheran Church Women, Stratford
Trinity Lutheran Church Women, Alta
Trinity Lutheran Church Women, Belmond
Trinity Lutheran Church Women, Hawkeye
Trinity Lutheran Church Women, New Hampton
Trinity Lutheran Church Women, Webster City
Washington Prairie Lutheran Church Women, Decorah
West Clermont Lutheran Church Women, Clermont
Western Iowa Synod – ELCA, Storm Lake
Western Iowa Synodical Women’s Organization, Sioux City
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Women, Dysart
Zion Lutheran Church Women, Gowrie
Zion Lutheran Church Women, Oelwein
Zion Lutheran Church Women, Rockford
Zion Lutheran Church Women, Wyoming
Zion St. John Lutheran Church Women, Sheffield
American Lutheran Church, Grundy Center
American Lutheran Church, Jesup
American Lutheran Church, La Porte City
American Lutheran Church, Melvin
Augustana Lutheran Church, Boone
Augustana Lutheran Church, Manson
Baha’is of Plymouth Co, Hinton
Bergen Lutheran Church, Roland
Bethany Lutheran Church, Elkader
Bethany Lutheran Church, Iowa Falls
Bethany Lutheran Church, Kensett
Bethany Lutheran Church, Laurens
Bethany Lutheran Church, Spencer
Bethany Lutheran Church, Thompson
Bethany Lutheran Church, West Branch
Bethesda Lutheran Church, Ames
Bethesda Lutheran Church, Jewell
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Cedar Falls
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Lost Nation
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Manly
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Slater
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Vinton
Big Canoe Lutheran Church, Decorah
Burr Oak Lutheran Church, Decorah
Calmar Lutheran Church, Calmar
Canoe Ridge Lutheran Church, Decorah
Capitol Hill Lutheran Church, Des Moines
Central Presbyterian Church, Des Moines
Christ Lutheran Church, Fort Dodge
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Sioux City
Covenant Presbyterian Church, West Des Moines
Crosspoint Church, Waverly
Decorah Lutheran Church, Decorah
Elgin Lutheran Church, Elgin
Elim Lutheran Church, Marshalltown
Elk Creek Lutheran Church, Kensett
Emanuel Lutheran Church, Strawberry Point
Faith Lutheran Church, Clive
Faith Lutheran Church, Garner
Faith Lutheran Church, Marcus
Faith Lutheran Church, Odebolt
Faith Lutheran Church, Sioux City
First Congregational United Church of Christ, Sioux City
First Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids
First Lutheran Church, Chariton
First Lutheran Church, Conroy
First Lutheran Church, Cresco
First Lutheran Church, Decorah
First Lutheran Church, Dows
First Lutheran Church, Manchester
First Lutheran Church, Northwood
First Lutheran Church, Saint Ansgar
First Lutheran Church, Sioux Rapids
First Unitarian Church, Sioux City
Fredsville Lutheran Church, Cedar Falls
Gilbert Lutheran Church, Gilbert
Glenwood Lutheran Church, Decorah
Good Hope Lutheran Church, Titonka
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Decorah
Grace Lutheran Church, Davenport
Grace Lutheran Church, Des Moines
Grace Lutheran Church, Muscatine
Grace Lutheran Church, Spirit Lake
Grand View Lutheran Church, Des Moines
Hesper Lutheran Church, Decorah
Highland Lutheran Church, Decorah
Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Ankeny
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Dubuque
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Newton
Hope Lutheran Church, Elkader
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Clinton
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Cresco
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Forest City
Immanuel Lutheran Church, George
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Independence
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Ogden
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Rembrandt
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Story City
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Titonka
Living Faith Lutheran Church, Le Mars
Lutheran Church of Hope, West Des Moines
Marion Lutheran Church, Saint Olaf
Memorial Lutheran Church, Nevada
Messiah Lutheran Church, Charles City
Nazareth Lutheran Church, Armstrong
Nazareth Lutheran Church, Cedar Falls
Norway Lutheran Church, Saint Olaf
Orleans Lutheran Church, Ridgeway
Our Savior Lutheran Church, Leland
Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Council Bluffs
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Albert City
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Lansing
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Radcliffe
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Rock Valley
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Waterloo
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Audubon
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Humboldt
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Mason City
Park View Lutheran Church, Eldridge
Peace Lutheran Church, Ryan
Redeemer Lutheran Church, Bettendorf
Redeemer Lutheran Church, Indianola
Redeemer Lutheran Church, Washburn
Redeemer Lutheran Church, Waverly
Resurrection Lutheran Church, Ankeny
Rock Creek Lutheran Church, Osage
Sacred Heart Church, West Des Moines
Saint John Lutheran Church, Council Bluffs
Salem Lutheran Church, Andrew
Salem Lutheran Church ELCA, Dakota City, NE
Silver Lake Lutheran Church, Northwood
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Sully
St. James Lutheran Church, Allison
St. James Lutheran Church, Bettendorf
St. James Lutheran Church, Johnston
St. John (Buck Creek) Lutheran Church, Sumner
St. John (Crane Creek) Lutheran Church, Tripoli
St. John (Vilmar) Lutheran Church, Greene
St. John American Lutheran Church, Cedar Falls
St. John Lutheran Church, Arlington
St. John Lutheran Church, Corwith
St. John Lutheran Church, Denver
St. John Lutheran Church, Dundee
St. John Lutheran Church, Farmersburg
St. John Lutheran Church, Hampton
St. John Lutheran Church, Mineola
St. John Lutheran Church, Osage
St. John Lutheran Church, Pomeroy
St. John Lutheran Church, Sumner
St. John Lutheran Church, Waverly
St. John’s (Bennington) Lutheran Church, Waterloo
St. John’s American Lutheran Church, Guttenberg
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Preston
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Des Moines
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Dubuque
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Grinnell
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Le Mars
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Madrid
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Waukon
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Woden
St. Luke Lutheran Church, Nora Springs
St. Luke Lutheran Church, Sioux City
St. Mark Lutheran Church, Sioux City
St. Mark Lutheran Church, Storm Lake
St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Dubuque
St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Readlyn
St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Belmond
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cedar Falls
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Manson
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Davenport
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hampton
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Holstein
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Lakota
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Lime Springs
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Marble Rock
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Mason City
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Maynard
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Monona
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Palmer
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Renwick
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Treynor
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Volga
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Wellsburg
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Williams
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Winterset
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & School, Waverly
St. Peter (Richfield) Lutheran Church, Sumner
St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church, Denver
St. Peter Lutheran Church, Eldorado
St. Peter Lutheran Church, Garnavillo
St. Peter Lutheran Church, Greene
St. Peter Lutheran Church, Grimes
St. Peter Lutheran Church, Sumner
St. Petri Lutheran Church, Story City
St. Sebald Lutheran Church, Strawberry Point
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids
St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Algona
St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, Sioux City
St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Hudson
Swedesburg Lutheran Church, Swedesburg
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Walford
Trinity Lutheran Church, Alta
Trinity Lutheran Church, Avoca
Trinity Lutheran Church, Belmond
Trinity Lutheran Church, Bettendorf
Trinity Lutheran Church, Ellsworth
Trinity Lutheran Church, Hawkeye
Trinity Lutheran Church, Linn Grove
Trinity Lutheran Church, Marshalltown
Trinity Lutheran Church, Mason City
Trinity Lutheran Church, Moville
Trinity Lutheran Church, New Hampton
Trinity Lutheran Church, Tipton
Ullensvang Lutheran Church, Thor
United Church of Christ, Maquoketa
United Lutheran Church, Sioux City
United Methodist Church, Janesville
Wallingford Lutheran Church, Wallingford
Wayne Zion Lutheran Church, Monticello
West Clermont Lutheran Church, Clermont
West Des Moines Christian Church, West Des Moines
Windsor Heights Lutheran Church, Windsor Heights
Winnebago Lutheran Church, Lake Mills
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Dysart
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Waterloo
Zion Lutheran Church, Des Moines
Zion Lutheran Church, Gowrie
Zion Lutheran Church, Muscatine
Zion Lutheran Church, Oelwein
Zion Lutheran Church, Princeton
Zion Lutheran Church, Rockford
Zion Lutheran Church, West Union
Zion Lutheran Church, Wyoming
Zion St. John Lutheran Church, Sheffield
Barbara Aalfs
Sharon Aasheim
Crystal Abbe
Donald and Pamela Abbott
David C. Abegglen
Robin Abraham
Rev. David and Joan Abram
Edward and Elizabeth Adams
Terry and JoAnn Adamson
Marjorie Ahrenholtz
Elizabeth A. Ahrens
Clinton Akerberg
Marc Albertsen
Rick and Mary Beth Allyn
Anne Almquist
Roger and Lois Amundson
Rev. Ralph Andersen
Arne and Cindy Anderson
Beverly Anderson
Calvin and Betty Anderson
Gerald and Karen Anderson
Gloria Anderson
Iver and Nancy Anderson
James and Barbara Anderson
Judith Anderson
Kenneth Anderson
Lynette Anderson
Pastor Mark and Beverly Anderson
Richard E. Anderson
Zach and Carrie Anderson
Donna Andreessen
Jeanette Annan
Valoree Armstrong
Rev. David and Ruth Assmus
Jeanette Astor
Michael and Evelyn Aubrey
Kent and Jeannette Babcock
Dorothy M. Bahlmann
Robert and Bonnie Baird
Rev. Randall and Bonnie Baldwin
Dr. Louis and M. Patricia Banitt
Ruth Barker
Susan Barnes
Jessica Barnhart-Clark
Judson Barr
W. and Alice Barrett
John and Rosalyn Barron
Dean and Ann Bartelt
Rev. Kyle and Alexandra Barton
Clarice R. Bartz
Dennis and Barbara Bartz
William Bathie
John Baty and Jane Judge Baty
Jeanna Bauer and Lay Wee
Joan Baumgartner
Donald Beck
Dennis and Joyce Becker
Donna Becker
Douglas and Nanette Beech
Matthew Beecher
Yvonne Beenken
Bob Behlers
Darrel and Margit Behrens
George Belken
Brant Bemus
Mary Ann Bender
Daryl and Pauline Bennett
Eldon Bensen
Mary Benson
Ray and Sandy Benter
Bruce and Ruby Bentley
Kelsey Bentzinger
Eileen Beran
Donald and Marlys Berg
James and Ruby Berg
Rev. David and Marsha Bergstrom
Marianne Berhow
Rona Berinobis
Jeniffer Betts and Hassan Atarmal
Julie Betts
Pam Beyer
Brent and Marsha Bierbaum
Gemma Bingham
Thomas and Julia Birdsall
Kenneth and Diane Birt
Richelle Bisenius
Jennifer Bishop
Paul Bissinger
Peter Bissinger
Mark and Deborah Blaedel
Donald and Jane Blair
Heidi V. Blake
Shelly Blanchard
Marcia Blanshan
Bruce and Shari Blasberg
Randy Blaylock
Douglas and Robin Bless
Harold and Eleanore Blobaum
Troy Bloch
DeEtte Blomberg
Christine Blunt
Victoria Blunt
Kathryn J. Bly
Jason and Lisa Bockelmann
Renae Bockholt
Dolores M. Boehm
Norman and Patrica Boelk
Judith Boes
Melvin G. Bolk
Kurt and Michelle Bolte
Jim and Lois Borchardt
Jane M. Borelli
Gary and V. Anne Borlaug
Rev. Philip Borleske
KayCee Boros
Teresa Borromeo
Greg Boschen
Jacob Bossman and Carmen Evenson-Bossman
Dolores Bowers
Debbie Bowling
Daniel Bowser
Dave and Mary Bowser
Samantha Box
Allan Boyken
Quentin and Inez Boyken
Irvin Boysen
Sandra Braasch
Rev. Harold and Paula Bradway
LuAnn Brandsen
Ronald and Nancy Brandt
Marvin Bratrud
Mark and Elizabeth Brauer
Ed Braun and Jean Krusi
Jerry and Linda Bravard
John Henry Brayton
Rev. Paul and Phyllis Breddin
Nila L. Bremer
Molly Breneman
Richard and Rochelle Brenner, Jr.
Dr. Randall and Cheryl Brenton
Dorothy M. Breuer
Dr. Dan and Jean Britt
Rebecca Brockhaus
Marty and Kay Broich
Richard Brom
Andrew Brouwer
Claudia Brown
Fred and Barbara Brown
Mary Brown
Patrick Brown
Robert and Susan Brown
John E. Bruha
Steven and LuAnn Brunes
Elaine M. Bruns
Julie and John Bruntz
Dr. Roger and Kay Bryan
Rachel Bryant
Leroy Buchholz
Michael and Cynthia Buck
Bob and Jean Buckingham
Shirley M. Buenzow
Rev. Roger and Gale Buhr
Larry Joe and Linda Bullock
Cynthia Bunting
Hilary Burbank
Christopher and Lori Burgess
Heather Burkhalter-Goetz
Nyle Burns
Glen and Barbara Bush
Jon and Barbara Butler
Jay and Katie Byers
Michael and Darcy Byl
Vern and Jean Byl
Joann Byrd
Orval Byrd, Jr.
James and Connie Cade
Joyce M. Calgaard
Roberta J. Califf
Duncan and Dianne Cameron
Tim and Jennifer Cantine
Tom and Elizabeth Carleton
David and Brenda Carlson
Dean and Sandra Carlson
Joyce Carlson
Kenneth and Eleanor Carlson
Kenneth and Nancy Carlson
Ryan Anthony Carlson
Sharon Carlson
Linda Carroll
Catharine E. Cashner
Abby Caslow
Steve and Theresa Caslow
Elaine M. Castelline
Tom Cerwinske
Anne Chalstrom
Rachael Chapple
Alan and Phyllis Charlson
Sue Chartier
Earl and Judy Check
Rev. Daniel and Susan Christensen
Keith Christensen and Dawn Deines-Christensen
Sheryl and Dean Christensen
Tony and Allison Christensen
Roger and Susan Christiansen
Jennifer Christy
John and Anne Claes
Dr. Daniel and Lois Clark
James G. and Brenda L. Clark
Joanne Clark
Lisa J. Clarke
Steven and Leta Clausen
Marlys Ann Claussen
Lennie and Karen Clement
Erik Cleveland
Fay L. Cline
Mark and Dianne Cline
Michael and Lois Coates
Tim and Janice Coble
Christian and Stephanie Comito
Phyllis Conley
Shelly Conner
Tyger Conner
Kenneth and Karna Converse
Joan M. Coonley
Gloria Corbin
Loren Corkery
Lester and Linda Corporon
Fonda Corson
John and Carole Lea Cotton
Todd Cowman and Saudia Khan-Cowman
Naomi S. Craft
Rachel Crane
Johanna Crawford
Paul Crawford
Bethany Crile
Larry and Barbara Croghan
Betty Crow
Carlyn Crowe
Joan M. Croxell
Bishop Amy Current
Margie and John Custis
Charles and Diane Cutler
Joanne Cutler
Jack and Barbara Dahlby
Donald and Dorothy Dallman
Larry and Carol Dalluge
Barry Danielson
Amy Davis
Geoff Davis
Sue Davis
William Davis and Kathryn Franzenburg
Margie DeBower
Virginia Dedor
Heather Deering
Bradley and Teresa DeHoff
Steve and Pat Delfs
Wilmer Denker
Keith and Eileen Denner
Charles and Tammera Denton
Shirley DeRuyter
Thomas and Margaret DeSio
Paul and Margaret Dettmann
Steve and Robin Dick
Emily Dicks
Robert Diedrichs
Zach and Brittney Diercks
Lowell Diersen
Samantha Dietz
Lola D. Dillon
Stephen Dinnen
Gary Dinsdale
Carol Dittmer
Mark and Sharon Divingnzzo
Philip and Janet Dixon
Cannon and Audrey Dobbins
Anne Dols
Paul and Marlaine Domoto
Mark and Vicki Donhowe
Timothy and Barbara Dooley
Thomas and Sara Doruska
Pastors Donald Dovre and Gloria Keiser Dovre
Jamie Drape
Donald and Dianne Draper
Dee Dreeszen
Paul and Sally DuBois
Duane and Mitzi Dufoe
Erin Dullea
David and Helen Duncan
Glenn and Rose Dunham
Leone K. Dunkelberg
Kenneth Dunker
Roger and Beverly DuVall
Dorothy A. Dyer
Karen E. Dyer
Richard and Jennifer Early
Stephanie Early
Bill and Cathy Eddy
Keila Eddy
Steven and Anita Eden
Ryle Egge
Donald and Glenda Eggerling
Darlene Eggerss
Sally L. Ehlert
David and Gretchen Eibey
Keith Eide
Bonnie Ekse
James and Brenda Ellefson
Carol Elliott
Rev. Henrik and Marcia Engebretson
Tricia Engelbrecht
Arlene Engh
Kaye and John Englin
Karen Engman
Rev. Carl and Charlene Engstrom
Stephanie Enloe
Eddie and Kathy Entz
Paul and Shilotte Epley
Amber Epping
Dennis and Gloria Erickson
Paul and Noralyn Erickson
Eloise Ericson
Natalie Estrem
Kent and Jody Eubank
Eugene and Dorothy Evans
Hannah Evans
Steven and Rebecca Evans
Rev. Burton and Norma Everist
Robert and Helen Ewald
David and Rachel Faldet
Mark Faldet and Kristen Underwood
Kim Fankhauser
Michael Farley and Mary Jean Timp
Trent and Marsha Farnham
Jane Farrell-Beck
Mark and Linda Fasse
Robert and Martha Felde
Patricia Fenneman
Patrick and Katrin Fergus
Denise Ferreira
Callie Fiala
Russell and Kathleen Finkler
Tina Finn
Nancy Fischer
Ruth Fisher
James and Janice Fitkin
Ruth N. Fjelstad
Cyd Fleckenstein
Robert J. and Susan Fleming
Steve and Ann Flood
Thomas and Joelle Floren
Faith Florez
Connor Flynn
Shelly Flynn
James and Judith Fogdall
Dennis and Linda Folden
Nancy Folkerts
Dr. William and Kathy Follows
Robin Fortney
Sharon Fortney
Emily Foster
Judy Fowlkes
Karen Fox
Ryan Fox
Mary Frank
William and Lynn Frank
Dr. Mary Franken
Tom and Stacie Franklin
Carol Fredrich and John Fairweather
Russell and Marie Freerking
Mary Freimuth-Helt
Rev. Susan and Norman Friedrich
William and Lynne Fruehling
Dr. C. Fredrick and Gerry Fuller
Joan Fumetti
Lamoyne Gaard
Fred and Nancy Gable
Nicole Gade
Jerry and Catherine Gallmeyer
Jill Gander
Rev. Andrew Gangle and Dr. Katrina Guest
Carol Gannon
Roger and Susan Garbes
Teresa Garcia
Mark and Candice Gardner
Wayne and Lois Garms
Theodore Gass
Vicki Gatter
Michael Gaul and Ann Taylor
Stephanie Geer
Jodi Geerts
Sara Geiken
Martha Geist
David and Cathleen Gerbracht
Katherine Gibson
Franklin Gilbert
Adrienne Giorgolo
Ardi K. Gisleson
Larry Gittins, Sr.
Linda Glienke
David and Linda Gobberdiel
Carol Goettler
Jeffrey and Ingrid Goldenstein
Nikki R. Goodell
Michael and Carolyn Goodwin
Rodney Goodwin
David and Jayne Goos
Mark and Joan Gordon
William and Connie Gordon
Marjorie Gowdy
Elizabeth A. Goyke
Pamala Granados
Duane Graversen and Marlene Peterson
Jesse and Joyce Graves
Henry and Janet Gray
Diane Green
Gerald and Susan Green
Reginald and Kathy Green
Sarah and Brent Green
Stephanie Green
Jack and Marie Gregersen
Larry and Jeanne Gregory
Gillian Gremmels
Christian Grindberg
Paul and Melodie Grinvalds
Becky Groeneweg
Janice Grogan
Diane Grosklaus
Lynne Groskurth
Kristina Grossman
Darwin and Carol Groth
Dr. and Mrs. Randall Groth
Meagen Grundberg
Craig Grundmeier
Lowell and Sharon Grunwald
Rick Gubbels and Tracy Lewis
Daniel and Ana Gudahl
James Guentherman
Melissa Guess
Eric Gunderson
Jason and Liz Gunkel
James and Desiree Gunning
Del and Cindy Gustafson
Filmore Gustafson
Doris Guthrie-Lovell
Karl and Barbara Gwiasda
James and Julie Haage
Keith A. Haan
Coleen Haatvedt
Bill Habermann
Janice Hackbart
James and Susan Haemker
Julia Hagen
Robert and Mary Hahn
Bishop Lorna and Rev. David Halaas
Dwayne and Dorothy Hall
Frank and Brenda Halverson
Darlyce Hamann
Rodney and Diane Hamer
John E. Hamilton
Peggy Hamilton
Scott and Diane Hamilton
William and Linda Hamilton
John and Debra Hammer
Jeffrey and Susan Hand
Janet B. Hanlin
Jeanne G. Hanna
David and Connie Hansen
Elizabeth Hansen
Rich and Jill Hansen
Steven and Marilyn Hansen
Willis and Peggy Hansen
Dan and Karen Hanson
Daniel Hanson and Aimee Lenth
Jennifer Hanson
Rebekah Hanson
Rev. George Hanusa
Robert and M. Elaine Harden
Angie Harmdierks
Emily Harmon and Dan Benedetto
Margaret Harris
Wendi Harris
Robert and Christina Hartman
Rosalie Hartwig
Stephany Harvey
Daniel and Karen Hassman
Rev. Joan Haug
Emil Haugan Endowment
Marlyce Hauge
Anthony and Trude Hauser
Carl and Judy Hauser
Lesley Hawkins
Max and Kathy Hawkins
Jeffrey and Dianna Hay
Bruce Hayden
James and Sarah Hayes
Harold Hayungs
Brenda Headington
Ann B. Hein
Dr. Herman and Carol Hein
Marion and Mary Heintz
Rob Held
Steven Held and Susan Breen-Held
James C. Heldt
Laura and Jason Helgens
Randy Helgerson
Sharon Hemmen
Roger Hemminghaus
Iris Hemmingson
Donald Henderson
Horace and Ann Hendrickson
Dr. Alexander Henkin
Karen Henniges
C. J. Henrich
Philip and Lisa Henriksen
Alan and Karen Hermanson
Rev. Selmer and Jan Hernes
Joseph and Mary Herriges
William Herrstrom and Jean King-Herrstrom
Randall and Tracy Hersom
Beverly Hesner
Charles and Elizabeth Heston
Harley and Susan Hett
Donna Hicks
Sara Hilgenberg
Lee E. Hill
Mark and Connie Hill
Alan Hilleman
Lisa Hilsenbeck
Clint Hinderacker
Arlene Hintch
Dr. Norma Hirsch
Elaine Hites
Karrie Hitt
Arthur and Sharon Hitz
Jared Hoesing
Betty Hoff
Rex and Marian Hoffman
Jon Hoffmann
Pastor Louis and Lois Hoger
Eric Holm and Sara Uthe
Richard and Karen Holtz
William and Nola Hoover
Jane A. Hoppenworth
Sadie Hornbuckle
Colleen Horrell
Lois LaVon Hostetler
Samantha Hotchkiss
Roy and Patricia Hougen
Michael Hovland and Nancy L. Jones
Karen Howland
Anne Howsare Boyens
Darrel and Jean Hoy
Melissa Hoyt
Donald and Debra Huck
Linda Hudgins
James and Luann Husmann
Destiny Hutchinson
Joy Hutson
Jill Hyda
Elizabeth Hyland
Patrick and Lynette Hyndman
Vicki Ingham
Debra Ingwersen
Mark and Cheryl Irland
Beth Isvik
B. Diane Jacobs
Lori Jahn
Jane Jahnke
Ellen Janke
Ryan and Lindsay Janke
Jim and Carla Janssen
Mark and Susan Janssen
Robert and Karen Janssen
Shelly Janssen
Frank and Cynthia Jeffrey, III
Carolyn Jensen
Gary and Marti Jensen
Lawrence Jensen
Richard Jensen
Sandy Jensen
Brad and Renee Jesse
Robert and Marlene Joens
Larry and Jane Johannesen
Muriel Johannessen
Alan and Ida Johnson
Deborah Johnson
Eugene and Jane Johnson
Gary and Sharon Johnson
Karl and Janet Johnson
Kay Johnson
Marilyn R. Johnson
Mark A. Johnson and Brenda Steffens
Richard Johnson and Leslie Mamoorian
Richard and Marjorie Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Verill Johnson
Yvonne D. Johnson
John and Judy Johnston
Ronnie and Linda Johnston
Bishop Kevin and Amy Jones
Laurie L. Jones
Ronald and Sharon Jones
Gerrianne Jordan
Arlene K. Jorde
Barbra A. Jotzke-Torrier
Kirk and Amy Juhnke
Brian and Natalie Julin-McCleary
Michael and Sharon Jund
Carmen and Karl Jungbluth
Mike Kamper
Marilyn Kane
Patrick Karemera
Rev. Randall and Donna Kasch
Karin Kasdorf
Angela Kayl
Linda Kayser
Allen Kehm
Karen Kelleher
Jane Kemp
Tim and Lynn Kenney
Eugene and Alice Kenyon
Mark and Linda Kenyon
Lori Kieffer-Garrison
Margaret Kiekhaefer
Darre Kifer
Crystal Kimbrough
Rev. Brian and Jennifer King
Dr. Donald and Marianna King
Leesa Kinzer
Sarah Kirk
Donna Kirschenmann
Martin Klammer and Joy Conrad
John and Carolyn Klaus
Roger and Nancy Klemp
Carla Klobnak
Rev. James and Laurel Klosterboer
Martha Knapp
Roni Knief
Mike and Ceil Knipp
Steve and Barb Knipp
Eric and Beverly Knoernschild
Kendall and Evelyn Knospe
Jim and Deb Knudson
Eugene and Carole Knutson
Klaus Koehler
Shirley Koehn
James and Barbara Koester
Doug and Ginger Kohoutek
Rev. Daniel and Nova Kolander
Kevin and Susan Kolbe
Patricia Kolpin
Irene H. Koob
Linda Koopman
Betty Kopplin
Bernard Koromo
Robert Kossow
Susan Kozak
Barbara Kramer
Deloris Kramer
Marc and Peggy Kramer
William F. Kramer
Lowell and Marilyn Kramme
Marilyn Kramme
Amanda Krause
Nancy Krause
Rick and Annette Krause
Betty L. Kremer
Ron and Janice Kriener
Steven Krogh
Lori Krueger
Dennis Kruger
Frederic and Phyllis Krumwiede
Kevin Kruse
William and Pamela Kruse
Stanley and Marilyn Krutsinger
Gerald and Marilu Kuhl
Gwen Leigh Kuhrt
Tim and Jamie Kuiken
William and Nancy Kukral
DeAnn Lackey
Sandra K. Lamb
Stephen and Deborah Lamb
Cynthia Lande
Bret and Kristine Lang
Judith Lang
Kari Lang
Kevin Langreck
Ricky Lantz
Jeff and Cheryl Larison
Crystal Larson
Douglas Larson
Jeannine Larson
Jef and Connie Larson
Revs. Judd and April Larson
Oliver and Darlene Larson
Ronald and Anne Larson
Michael and Colleen Last
Linda Latham
Reginald and Jerilyn Laursen
Dennis and Karen Lauterbach
John and Dana Leahy
Kate Lechtenberg
Cynthia Lee
Geraldine Lee
Carol Leech
William and Rene Lego
James and Joan Lehman
Laverne Lehman
Gloria J. Lehmann
Mark and Karen Lehmann
Pastor Robert Lehmann
Ronald and Norma Leibold
Troy and Karyn Leininger
Richard and Joan Leiran
Sally Leme
David and Ellyn Lemke
Norman and Kay Lemmon
Aimee Lenth
Gene and Pat Leonhart
D. Michael and Linda L. Lewis
Harriet Lewis
James Cody Lewton
Justin Lieth
Donald and Nadine Lilleskov
Rev. Stanley and Jan Lillich
Lucia Lincoln
Rev. Denise Lindemann
Charles and Shirley Lindsey
G. A. Lines
Kevin and Mini Locke
Nancy Locker
Jane Lohnes
Doris Lompe
Barbara Jean Long
Daniel and Cynthia Longnecker
William Lonneman
Ian and Lulu Loo
Brian and Nina Looney
Pamela Louis
Juan Lourido Castaneda
Phiengchay Lovan
Andrea Love
Bonnie Rae Love
Russell and Linda Lovell, II
Kelly Low
Keith and Kay Lowe
Barbara Lueder
Dawn Luetje
Norman Lundquist
Marlene Lundsgaard
Paul and Mary Ann Lundy
Lyle and Susan Luzum
Mary Lynch
Emilee Lyon
Marcia Macedo
Paul and Jean Mack
Donna MacNeir
Bess E. Madsen
Maureen Maduako
Joan Mahn
Dr. Stephen and Elaine Main
Rob and Virginia Malcomson
Wesley P. Malenke
W. Craig and Sue Ann Malloy
Mariah Marlin-Warfield
Diann Marten
Sharron I. Martin
James and Karen Martin-Schramm
Sarah Martz
Drs. Douglas and Kate Massop
Stephanie Masumura
Teresa Mathews
Jane Mathison
Dale and Barbara Matthias
Todd and Sue Mattison
George and Marilyn Max
Dr. Gregory and Mary Maxwell
Richard and Becky McBurney
Lori McCarthy
Martha McCormick
Scott and Patricia McCormick
Steven and Kathleen McCracken
Julie McDougal
Sherry and Vince McGill
Kathy McIntyre
Amanda and Conor McKee
LeAnn McRoberts
Beth E. Mealey
Pastor Kent and Heidi Mechler
David Meek
William and Dian Meek
Kenneth and Marilyn Meeks
June Mehlhaus
Mary Mehlhaus
James and Susan Meimann
Russell and Janet Melby
Elizabeth Melcher
Joseph and Helen Melichar
Dirk and Jennifer Meminger
Carissa Meredith
Donald and Kristine Meyer
James and Janice Meyer
Rev. John and Frances Meyer
Mark Meyer
Angie Miale
Michael and Cynthia Miehe
Agnes Mikel
Merlin and Sonya Mikkelsen
Bruce and Susan Miller
David and Kimberly Miller
Gina Miller
Dr. Gordon Miller, Jr. and Irmi Schewe-Miller
Harold and Daphne Miller
Henry Miller
John J. and Barbara Miller
Megan Miller
Michael and Vickie Miller
Michael and Julie Miller
Gwen Mirtz
Carol A. Mitchell
Revs. Jack and Rachel Mithelman
Ezra Allen Mixdorf
Debra Modlin
John and Rosalind Moeller
Dr. Ronald and Dianna Moeller
Wayne Moetsch
James and Connie Mohn
Rev. Ronald and Donna Mohr
Marc Mondi
Matt and Jodi Mongan
Mark and Judith Monroe
Jennifer Monroe-Koopman
Clayton and Adele Monserud
Brent and Daphne Monson
James and Dorothy Moody
Cheryl Moore
Roger and Debra Moore
Rebecca Morenz
David and Carol Morris
Dean and Nancy Morris
Taylor Morris
Steve and Robin Morton
Twyla R. Moschel
Marilyn Mount
Barbara J. Movall
Ronald Mowers and Margaret Epplin
Glen Mueller
J. Howard and Frances Mueller
Jim and Connie Mueller
Tad and Lisa Mueller
Ron Muhlenbruck
Richard and Lisa Mullen
Jeffery and Cynthia Mumm
Carrie Murdock
Rachel Murdock
Mark and Jean Murphy
Regan Murray
Daniel and Peggy Musil
Don and Venita Myatt
Barbara Myers
Brenda Myers
Nicole Myers
Michele Myrom
Leota Nacke
Donald and Carol Nappe
Katherine Narveson
Gerald and Laura Nathlich
Elsie P. Naylor
Lawrence Naylor and Melissa Blacketer
Robert and Kay Nellis
Corinne Nelson
Donovan and Kerri Nelson
Greg and Diane Nelson
Harland S. Nelson
James and Patricia Nelson
Larry and Vicky Nelson
Millard Nelson, Jr.
Rev. Paul and Kathryn Nelson
Verne F. Nelson
Raymond and Janet Neumann
Stuart Nevermann Charitable Trust
LeAllen Nevermann
Ruth Neville
Vinh Nguyen
Harold and Joyce Nichol
Barb Nicol
Robert Nicolai
Sheryl Niebuhr
William and Pauline Niebur
Hillary Nielsen
Jeffrey and Jane Nielsen
John and Doris Nielsen
Larry and Frances Nielsen
Michelle Nieman
Lyle and Ruth Niemeyer
Dale and Sonya Nimrod
Florence Nish
Steve and Jane Noah
Kayla Noelting
Joseph and Joanne Nolte
Daniel and Cindy Norell
M. Ray and Barbara Norris
Phil and Kathy Norris
Douglas and Michele Nubel
Rebecca Oberender
Richard and Eloise Obman
Jackson Ode and Cara Kennedy-Ode
Gary and Deatra Odell
James and Jeanne O’Halloran
Jack and Kris Ohle
Megan Okesson
Ronald and Barbara O’Kones
Rebecca Olafsen
Pastor Christopher and Beth Olkiewicz
Erin Olsen-Telles
Charles and Jacquelyn Olson
David and Larayne Olson
John and Helen Olson
Keith W. Olson
Phyllis Olson
Jons and Ann Olsson
Alex J. Oponski
Dona Opsal
Vivian Ortiz
Peggy Osbahr
Rev. Paul and Carol Ostrem
Carol Ouverson
Paul Ovrom and Stephenie Elliott Ovrom
Phillip Owen
David Oxenfield
Stuart Oxer and Wendi Harris
Laurel M. Palmer
Ronald Palumbo and Laura Schinnow
Bonnie Parker
Lisa Parker
Lara Parkin
Alisha Parmerlee
John and Kim Patience
Kerry Patterson
Jack and Jane Patton
Darrell Paul
Dr. David and Joan Paulsrud
Victoria F. Payseur
Janet Peacey
Rick and Suzanne Pepin
Sharon Perry
Carla and Mike Peterman
Ellen Peters
Ginnie Peters
Nancy Peters
Steven and Randi Peters
James and Cindy Petersen
Mark and Karen Petersen
Aaron Peterson
Donald and Charlotte Peterson
Geraldine Peterson
Marsha Peterson
Mary J. Peterson
Ronald G. and Martha M. Peterson
William and Dorothy Peterson
Steven E. Petty
Larry and Ann Pfantz
Ashish Phansopkar and Meghna Krishnan
James and Kathy Phelan
Margaret Phelps
Matthew and Stephanie Phillips
Michael and Linda Phipps
Arlyn and Connie Picken
Janet Pickerell
Mark and Barbara Piel
Beth Pietan
Charles and Anne Pietscher
Marilyn Pinkley
Michael and Susanne Piplani
Jessica Pleuss
John Pollak and Nancy Crowfoot
James and Julie Popken
Keith and Audrey Popp
Christina Poss
Shreejan Poudel
Julene M. Powell-Mohr
Allan Powers and Ann Mowery
Cynthia Preston Last
Robert and Wendy Prigge
Melissa Primus
Rev. Thomas and Sharon Prochnow
Lou A. Putney
LaVerne and Janice Quass
Jennifer Quick
Susie Quigle
Luna Qutishat
Joan Racki
Jerry and Sandra Rada-Aleff
Andrea Rademacher
Lyle and Carol Rasmussen
Richard and Donna Rasmussen
Sue Rasmussen
Martin and Roxanne Rathje
Leo and Sandra Rathjen
Craig Raway
Kimberlee Raymer
Kelly Rech-Bohlen
Amanda Rector
Patrick and Kimberly Reding
Kate Reed
Rebecca and Steven Reed, Sr.
Richard and Darlene Reed
Colin Reid and Jean Wulf-Reid
Sharon Reid
Frank H. Reints
Dr. Phillip and Ruth Reitan
Richard and Nancy Reser
Richard and Shirley Retz
Rev. Thomas and Virginia Reuss
Duane and Lois Rhoades
Dennis and Joanne Rice
John Richards
Earl and Mary Richardson
Brian Rickert
Stephen and Jane Ricklefs
Jennifer Riedemann
Ernie and Debbie Riepe
Kevin Riesberg
Lorri Rife
Ken and Pam Riggs
John and Cheryl Rigler
Leonard and Helen Ringgenberg
Thomas and Jodi Risse
Devan Rittler-Patton and Thomas Patton
Arthur and Helen Rizzi
Steven and Bernice Robb
Patricia J. Roberts
Amy R. Robinson
James and Margaret Rock
Frances and Daryl Rockey
Kathleen and Jim Rockwell
Kari Roehr and Kate O’Connor
Therese Rolfes
Jan Rosdail-Aegerter and Roger Aegerter
Gene and Marcia Rosel
Terry and Patricia Rosene
Roger and Brenda Roskens
Myrna O. Ross
Richard and Sandra Ross
Delbert and Jeanne Rost
Kathy Roth Eastman and Fred E. Eastman
Jean Rothfusz
Joan Rourke
Gene and Marita Rouse
Carol A. Roush
Don and Sandy Routh
Ron and Ann Rowland
Kathryn K. Roys
Tara Royster
Angela Ruch
Connie Ruhser
John and Doris Rumpp
Craig and Regina Russell
Richard and Joan Rust
Charles and Kathy Safris
Allen and Cassie Sage
Jeffrey and Vee Sage
Paul and Barbara Sailsbury
W. Matt and Sandy Salmon
Mitch and Tara Samples
Rue Ann Sams
Timothy and Julie Samuelson
James and Victoria Sandbothe
Eugene and Barbara Sanderman
Brian and Angela Sanders
Robert and Sarah Sandquist
Sant Family
Wayne and Marietta Sargeant
Dawn I. Sassatelli
Peter and Jane Scanlon
Michael Schaeffer
Leslie and Dienna Schafer
Ed and Lorraine Scharlau
William and Kathy Scharnhorst
Emily Scheckel
Alan D. Schellhorn
Galen Schellhorn
Marietta Schemmel
Paul and Joyce Scherner
Duane and Cheryl Schipull
Rev. Roger Schlaefer and Marjorie Hammer
Carol Schmalenberger
Carolyn L. Schmidt
Marlene Schmidt
Rev. Michael Schmidt and Allison Olsen-Schmidt
Ronald and Ruth Anne Schneck
Allen and Dianne Schneider
Sarah Schneider
Shaun and Julie Schneider
William and Karen Schoenenberger
Alan and Randi Jo Schoening
Warren and Karen Scholten
Anne Schoville
Leon and Marilyn Schramm
Wayne and Linda Schroeder
Mary Schuchmann
Helen K. Schuck
Rich and Kari Schulte
Kristina Schultes
Andy Schultz
Dennis and Sharon Schultz
Evelyn D. Schultz
Marvin and Helen Schumacher
Rhonda Schutte
David and Gina Schwartz
Carolyn Scott
David and Julie Scott
Maxwell Scott
Misty Scott
Lisa Scuito
William and Cheryl Seele
Mark and Marlys Segar
Richard and Ann Seggerman
Janet Segreti
Jacquelyne and Richard Seibert
Twila Seibert
Patrick Sell
John and Lynn Sellmeyer
Margaret Selmon
Erin Senhen
Beth Seuferer
Scott and Monica Severson
David and Lori Sharp
Rev. Carlton Shaw
Dr. David Shaw
Margaret Shay
Jarrod and Jerah Sheets
Gary and Marlene Sheetz
Heidi Sherer
Samantha Shermer
Stephen and Brendalyn Shird
Judy Shkolnick
Danise Shumaker
Glenn and Pam Sibbel
Philip and Rev. Diana Sickles
Dave and Jan Siefken
Mark Siegfried and Sally Watson
Carrie B. Siepel
Carleen Sievertsen
Jay and Melanie Sigafoose
Marilyn L. Sill
Alyssa Silver
Arlo and Sue Sime
Dagna Simmons
William and Catherine Simpkins
Noel and Linda Singer
Michael and Lois Sinram
Serge and Paula Sisler
Richard and Pamela Skiff
Dr. Lowell and Ruby Skinner
Darla Slater-Vander Weil
Jim Slife
Tom and Linda Small
Ashley Smith
Brian J. Smith and Ann Thye
Cosette D. Smith
Mary Smith
Michael and Rhonda Smith
Stephen and Karolyn Smith
William and Charlene Smothers
Christine Snell
Robert and Oriett Snider
Samantha Soash
Wayne and Arlys Soeder
Dr. Erwin F. Soell
Heidi Solheim
Frank Soliday
Rev. Neal and Rev. Nancy Solomonson
Michael and Diane Sondergard
Alan and Linda Sorensen
Dave and Cheryl Souhrada
Karen Speicher
Rev. Connie Spitzack and Rev. Mark Youngquist
Verona Spooner
Richard and Kristine Spoth
Kim and Judy Sprain
Katie Squier
Joe and Louise Squires
Shirley Stakey
Crystal Stanley
David and Diane Stark
James and Catherine Starkweather
Bonnie Steege
Jackie Steele
M. Helen Steen
Scott and Maren Steensen
Deanne M. Steffens
Kent Steffes
Deborah Stein
Andrew Steines
Gordon and Jean Stelling
W. Bradley and Carolyn Stensland
Nicole Sternhagen-Findlay
Rev. J. David Stewart
Ken Stoakes
Arliss M. Stockdale
Marsha Storbakken
Daniel Storck and Julie Hale
Storm Family Fund
Ryan and Maria Story
Barry and Ginger Stott
John and Joan Strand
William and Jan Striepe
Phaedra Strohmaier
Marvin and Shirley Stromer
Nancy and Doug Strutzenberg
Jill Stuecker and Kwasi Yeboah
Don and Carol Stulken
Mark J. Stumme
John and Alex Stutzman
Doug Stych
Charles and Mary Sukup
Scott Sundstrom
David Swanson
Donald and Bonnie Swanson
Dale and Karen Swenson
Rev. John and Ramona Swenson
Jean M. Swiggum
Keith and Marcia Taeger
Beckie Tanner-DeVries
Angela K. Tarvin
Elmon and Barb Tatroe
David and Sandra Taylor
Howard and Marcia Taylor
Rev. M. DeWayne and Katherine Teig
Ramona TePaske
Kristin C. Tesdall
Dean and Karen Teslow
Michael Thein
Dennis and Mary Thomas
Dawn Thomason
Linda Thompson
Patricia Thompson
Pat Thomsen
Rev. Luther and Paula Thoresen
Rev. Allan Thoreson
Betty Thronson
Jeanne Thuesen
Betty Timmerman
Julie A. Tindell
James and Janet Tinker
James and Linda Tjaden
Mark and Connie Tjelmeland
Mary Tjelmeland
Steve Tjepkes
Rev. Larry and Lois Trachte
Kimberly and Jeffry Traeger
Elizabeth Trausch
Mark and Ann Trax
Derek Trobaugh
Sarah Trone Garriott and Will Garriott
Warren and Joyce Trotter
Margaret Troyke
Amber Truckenmiller
John Tucker
Glenn Turner
Philip and Jane Turner
Stephanie Turner
Dave and JaNell Tutje
Allen Twait
John Twardos
Arlen and Asta Twedt
Stanley B. Tweeten
Bishop Steven and Ruth Ullestad
Paul Valin
Gerald and Susan Vallem
Arnold and Suzanne Van Der Valk
Kara and Michael Vaughn
Liza Veren
Rod and Gail Vicker
George and Jane Vieth
Rev. H. Allen and Janice Vik
Ron and Nita Vikdal
Lydia Villarreal
Anthony and Darla Virelli
Natasha Voelker
Douglas and Joy Vogel
William and Mary Kay Vogel
David and Anabeth Voigts
Hannah Vollmar
Robert and Renee Wade
Kevin and Valerie Wagoner
Ted and Debbie Waitman
Marianne Waldstein
Christian Walker
Donald Wall
Jay Wallace
Logan Walrath
Bill Walters
Laurie and Bruce Walters
Mackenzie Walters
Marilyn Warling
Bonnie Warrington
Gary and Grace Wasko
Dorothy Waters-Mcalister
Dean and Cathy Watson
Joel and Barb Waymire
Bruce A. Wearda
Keith Weaver and Kristi Walz
Jen Weber
Michael and Mary Wegner
Lewis and Renee Weinberg
Steven and Karen Weiss
Larry and Linda Wellendorf
Peter and Sandra Weller
Henry and Lorene Wellnitz
Kristine Wells
Duane and Janice Wenndt
Lois Wergeland
Dianne Werger
Cindy West
Duaine and Charlotte Westpfahl
Douglas H. Wetlaufer
Ronald H. Weuve
Caleb and Erika Wheeler
Kaylea Wheeler
Mary Lou Wheeler
Wayne and Ann White
Deborah Whitford
Ada Whitworth
Mark Wickham
Mark Widrlechner
Stephanie and Neal Wiebers
John and Shirley Wiemers
Mark and Sydney Wikner
Richard and Joani Wilberg
Linda M. Wild
Karin Wilhelm
Steve and Ellen Wilke
Gordon and Nori Wilken
Rev. Michael Wilker
Joyce E. Williams
Laurin and Carol Williams
Oliver Williams and Linda Cook
James and Gracia Willis
Taylor Wilmoth
Brent Wilson
Carol Wilson
Barbara J. Witzel
Paul and Linda Wold
Darold and Diane Wolff
Thomas and Patricia Wollan
Jill Wollenzien
Susan Jensen Wollesen
Lilly M. Womeldorf
Thomas Wonderlin
LoAnne L. Worth
Rev. Sharon A. Worthington
Rebecca Wright
John Wuertz
Nicholas and Chrystal Wuertz
Joan Wuest
Linda Wulf
Robert and Jolene Wyatt
Reginald and Roberta Yoder
Dr. James and Lauri Young
Kevin and Carol Young
Ronda Young
Tom and Barb Youngblut
Dr. Warren and Barbara Zemke
Rev. Roland and Barbara Zimany
Nick and Nancy Zimmer
Mark Zimmerman
April Ziskovsky
Mark and Jean Zylstra
Donovan Benson estate
Verna deTemmerman estate
Dennis and Linda Folden
Earl Howard estate
John and Judy Johnston
Kevin and Susan Kolbe
Leonard and Delores Larsen estate
Charles and Shirley Lindsey
Frances Rockey
James and Janet Tinker