Explain what a typical BHIS session looks like for families who might be new to it.
BHIS sessions may vary based on the individual plan a BHIS provider creates with the family. Typically, sessions are done both individually and as a family, and these can be provided in the home or in the community. For individual sessions, BHIS providers use activities that can help a child learn new skills. Family sessions are usually guided by the parents and child and their biggest needs. For example, an activity could be to have a family create a tower using just straws and tape. The goal is to make the tallest tower but as a challenge, families are not allowed to talk for the first 15 minutes. Once that time is up, families can communicate to complete the goal. This can be used to highlight how communication is important, especially working as a family. BHIS providers can work with a family to identify what areas they would like to focus on moving forward and bring fun tools, activities, and resources to achieve those goals.
How does BHIS make a positive impact for families?
Some families are very busy, so BHIS can be a weekly time to spend an hour or more as a family, working together to achieve their goals. Some families even continue to have “family game night” on days when BHIS providers used to come, ensuring they still have an hour a week of family time. Families learn new skills and how to use them, and they can learn about strengths they may not have known they had. Families are able to grow, and parents have been appreciative of BHIS providers for the support and tools they use to assist with a child’s behaviors at home, in school, or in the community. BHIS is able to provide families with new outlooks, tools, and empowerment.
Your team is also able to provide services in Spanish. How have you seen that make an even larger impact for families in your area?
BHIS is a service where building a relationship is very important. As providers, we are going to a family’s home, into their space, and it’s important to build that trusting relationship in order for sessions to work. When working with Spanish-speaking families, this has made a huge impact. Translating services is very difficult, and translating can take away from the authenticity of the service. Families have been appreciative of having a provider who is able to implement services, connect them to other resources, guide, encourage, and empower them in their native language. Spanish-speaking families have also referred other families in their community who are in need of the same services, as well.
What is your favorite part of providing BHIS to families in your community?
Being able to see children and families grow to their best version; seeing how they make the connections and supports, all while still being themselves.
Do you have a message for families who are considering starting BHIS in your area?
Even if families aren’t sure if this is something they want, I encourage them to reach out with any questions they have. The BHIS team is happy to answer any questions that will assist them in making the decision. Having an outside provider coming into your home may seem scary, but we are here for your family. We will bring the tools you are looking for to encourage, empower, and walk alongside you and your family. Our priority is the children and families we serve, and we’ll customize all visits based on what works for your family.