
English Classes
Take pre-English literacy to low-intermediate English classes to improve your language, social, and cultural awareness skills. Community-Based English Language Learner classes (CBELL) are designed for adult learners with immigrant or refugee backgrounds.
The class includes an initial assessment to recommend where to begin your English learning journey. A variety of times and days are offered. Classes are taught in English.
Where: Des Moines
Length: Classes are either 4 or 8 weeks
Cost: Free
Questions / Register: Call 515.271.7320 or email You may contact us in advance to register at any time.
Thank you to the United Way of Central Iowa for partnering with us.

Citizenship Classes
Prepare for the U.S. Naturalization exam to become a U.S. Citizen. Participants must be a legal permanent resident of five years or more to be eligible for the naturalization exam. The class will help you study for the verbal naturalization interview, the reading and writing portions, and the 100 questions you may be asked during the interview. We partner with Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice (IMMJ) to provide legal services for citizenship.
A variety of times and days are offered. Classes are taught in English.
Where: Des Moines and online (anywhere in Iowa)
Length: 11 weeks
Cost: Class is $20, we accept cash or check only.
Questions / Register: Call 515.271.7320 or email You may contact us in advance to register at any time.
Thank you to Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice for partnering with us.

Integration to U.S. Culture Classes
Learn about living and working in America, which will help you integrate into the community. This class covers various topics, including housing, health, adult education, parenting, financial literacy, employment, transportation, and more.
A community tour helps celebrate the end of each class session. A variety of times and days are offered. Classes are taught in English. Gift card is available for eligilble students.
Where: Des Moines
Length: 8 weeks
Cost: Free
Questions / Register: Call 515.271.7320 or email You may contact us in advance to register at any time.

Computer and Internet Classes
Learn about digital literacy skills in this class, which covers a range of software programs. Participants will be introduced to using email, social media, and the internet for job searches or doctor appointments. It also includes an introduction to Microsoft and Google software.
A variety of times and days are offered. Classes are taught in English. Gift card is available for eligible students.
Where: Des Moines
Length: 8 weeks
Cost: Free
Questions / Register: Call 515.271.7320 or email You may contact us in advance to register at any time.

Career Workshops
Learn about different careers that are open to you in the U.S. Each workshop focuses on a different type of career, including a guest speaker from the community. The career topic is generally announced a few weeks before the workshop.
This workshop is typically offered each month on a Saturday morning, although dates and times may vary. It is presented in English with limited language interpretation.
Where: Des Moines
Length: 2 hours
Cost: Free
Questions / Register: Call 515.271.7320 or email to register or to learn about upcoming workshops. Spots are limited to the first 20 people who sign up for each workshop. Ask about interpretation when you register.
Thank you to the United Way of Central Iowa for partnering with us.

Financial Literacy Workshop
Learn about money and finances in the U.S. Participants will learn how to set financial goals, how banks can help you achieve your goals, and how to develop good savings habits. The workshop will also discuss how credit and loans operate in the U.S. and the difference between credit and debit.
This workshop is offered occasionally. Dates and times may vary. Limited interpretation is provided. Transportation is not provided.
Where: Des Moines
Length: 2 hours
Cost: Free
Questions / Register: Email Ask about interpretation when you register. You may contact us in advance to learn about when this workshop is offered next.
Thank you to the SBA and the United Way of Central Iowa for partnering with us.

Car Buyer Workshop
Learn about the car buying process in the U.S. Participants will learn how and what they need to buy a car in the United States.
This workshop is offered occasionally. Dates and times may vary. Workshops may be presented in specific languages, which are announced a few weeks before the workshop. Transportation is not provided.
Where: Des Moines
Length: 2 hours
Cost: Free
Questions / Register: Email Ask about interpretation when you register. You may contact us in advance to learn about when this workshop is offered next.
Thank you to the SBA and the United Way of Central Iowa for partnering with us.

Business Workshops
Learn about starting or growing a small business in the U.S. Business workshop topics vary based on interest. The business topic is generally announced a few weeks before the workshop. The workshops are offered in partnership with the Small Business Administration.
This workshop is offered occasionally. Dates and times may vary. Limited interpretation is provided. Transportation is not provided.
Where: Des Moines
Length: 2 hours
Cost: Free
Questions / Register: Email Ask about interpretation when you register. You may contact us in advance to learn about when this workshop is offered next.
Thank you to the SBA and the United Way of Central Iowa for partnering with us.