13 February 2025| Immigrant and Refugee Community Services
LSI announces $10,000 challenge grant made possible by the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa and Marv and Helen Schumacher to support recently arrived refugee families.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 13, 2025 Contact: Leah Nelson | Leah.Nelson@lsiowa.org Waterloo, IA – Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) is excited to announce that a $10,000 challenge grant has been made by the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa and Marv and Helen Schumacher. This challenge will exclusively match dollar-for-dollar gifts up to $10,000 made in the...

08 November 2024| Immigrant and Refugee Community Services, Uncategorized
Press Release: LSI Celebrates Historic Milestone in Refugee Resettlement

LSI Celebrates Historic Milestone in Refugee Admissions  Des Moines, IA – LSI (Lutheran Services in Iowa) celebrates a historic year in immigrant and refugee resettlement – in Iowa and nationwide. LSI resettled 722 refugees and Special Immigrant Visa holders during Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024, adding to a milestone number of 100,000 resettled nationwide. Special...

17 September 2024| Services for People with Disabilities, Uncategorized
2024 Direct Support Professional (DSP) of the Year: Brenda Stalbaum Martin

Each year, LSI commemorates National Direct Support Professional Recognition Week (DSP) to honor and celebrate the essential roles that Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) play in the lives of individuals with disabilities. Our devoted DSPs workers across the state, help Iowans with disabilities to safely reside in their homes instead of hospitals or institutions. They make...

29 April 2024| Mental Health Services
Jim’s Story

“There are so many people who struggle with their mental health and feel like they are alone,” said Jim Guentherman, LSI Director of Clinical Services. “I am here to tell them they are not alone, and it’s okay not to be okay.”  Jim has been with LSI since 2003 and serves a diverse client base,...

29 April 2024| Foster Care and Adoption
Mindy and Jeff’s Story

After raising their four children, Jeff and Mindy Schechinger felt compelled through their strong faith to open their loving home to children in need of a safe, nurturing environment.  They attended resource family training sessions through LSI, and shortly after becoming certified foster parents, Mindy and Jeff fostered and then adopted two brothers in March...

29 April 2024| Early Childhood Services
Katie and Jaime’s Story

Accomplishing a goal is often not a sprint, but a marathon. Such is the case for Katie* who found the LSI HOPES Home Visiting program in 2017 when she was pregnant and living in a homeless shelter.   Jaime*, Katie’s LSI home visitor, started working with her, meeting twice a week. Jaime helped Katie create a...

29 April 2024| Early Childhood Services
April’s Story

“I love it when a whole classroom of middle schoolers run down the auditorium hallway for an LSI class shouting ‘April!’ with excitement, ready to learn about healthy relationship skills and self-esteem,” said April Howe, a Program Supervisor for LSI’s Clinical Services team.  Our LSI Clinical Services team provides various local community programs in schools...

29 April 2024| Clinical Services
Michelle and Rachel’s Story

“Without Amy’s support, I would still be an addict, and I wouldn’t be where I am today,” said Michelle, an LSI client.  Michelle was struggling with substance abuse, legal issues, and mental health issues when she found LSI therapist Amy Davis back in 2021.  “God helps us in ways we don’t always want him to,”...

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