Match and Save Program

Immigrant and Refugee Community Services

Buying your first home or car, starting a business, or returning to school can be stressful for anyone. For refugee families, there are added stressors with communication and learning about U.S. finances. LSI’s Match and Save Program provides financial education to immigrants and former refugees as they build their new life in the U.S.

Program Partially Funded by United Way of Central Iowa and Wells Fargo


We provide one-on-one financial coaching for low -to- moderate income individuals and entrepreneurs. 

We can also help with a credit soft pull

When K. moved to Des Moines from Turkey, many things were new and unfamiliar, including the U.S. banking and finance system. As a Match and Save Program participant, K. took an eight-hour financial literacy course and learned to make a budget and build good credit. He recently finished an asset-specific program on purchasing a car, and he hopes to one day purchase a home.

Program Specifics

Should be immigrants or former refugees

Must have earned income from employment or self-employment, with a household income that does not exceed 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.

Household assets must not exceed $10,000, excluding the value of a residence and one vehicle.

Participants saving toward their goals are matched 1:1 up to $4,000

To learn more about this program, contact

General Inquiry

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