23 November 2021| Foster Care Blog
Interview with Erin, LSI Foster Care and Adoption Support Caseworker

Hi, everyone! I am SO excited about today’s blog. Through my first several months of being a resource parent, I have learned how important it is to lean on the supports you have. For me, one of my biggest supports has been my caseworker through LSI Foster Care and Adoption. I’ve actually been blessed with...

03 November 2021| Foster Care Blog

Hi, all! We’re officially into the fall/winter holiday season, which is my favorite time of year. The joy of experiencing this through a child in foster care makes it even sweeter. For the last several blogs, the topic has come to me in the middle of the night, often right out of a slumber. I...

21 October 2021| Foster Care Blog
The Relationship Web

When I was brainstorming what was on my heart to blog about this week, an image started coming into my head: an image of a web. Now, I’m not a huge fan of spiders so this is a web unrelated to something creepy. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It’s a web I’ve found myself...

06 October 2021| Foster Care Blog
The First Placement and First Starfish

If you’ve read my previous blogs, you’ll know I was anxious (both an excited anxious and a nervous anxious) for my first call for a foster placement. Well, that call came. I feel like that is one of those moments I will always remember where I was and the conversations that followed. This was the...

10 September 2021| Immigrant and Refugee Community Services
Global Greens Celebrates 10 Years

LSI’s Global Greens agriculture program is celebrating 10 years of empowering former refugee and immigrant farmers in central Iowa. The program, provided through LSI Refugee and Immigrant Services, reconnects farmers with the land as they build a new life in the U.S. Through Global Greens, farmers access space to grow food, learn more about U.S....

Donating is my way to make a difference in the lives of children and families. LSI is all about helping people and making the world a better place.”

10 September 2021| General
LSI Donor Spotlight: Larry Gittins

Larry Gittins has been a steadfast donor to LSI since 2005. After hearing a presentation about LSI at his church, he wanted to give back and support the organization in some way. But due to health reasons, he was unable to volunteer as he would like. So, he chose to donate instead. Over the years,...

09 September 2021| Foster Care Blog
Meet Chelsea (Plus a Cool Family Treasure Hunt!)

I am super excited for today’s blog. This is a new series in which I’m going to interview professionals that work closely with us as resource families. Look for new entries in this series every couple of months, and if you have specific requests of people you want to hear from, let us know! For...

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12 August 2021| Clinical Services
Meet BHIS Supervisor Amy

Explain what a typical BHIS session looks like for families who might be new to it. Children in the program typically range from ages 5 to 18, and BHIS sessions include a combination of both individual and family time. A BHIS social worker will sit down with children and their family or caregiver to collaboratively...

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